Do you want to become our registered member/Volunteer?

If you want to be a Volunteer / Member :

If you want to be our volunteer then join our organization, spread our reach, tell people about our PHRC. Connect with everyone. Help us spread PHRC's network across India. Arrange & Join our PHRC camps. You use mail, phone to build awareness. Talk to friends, relatives, neighbours, colleagues about PHRC's programs, gates. Promote our PHRC in schools, colleges, offices. Create a Long Time Membership with us.

Who can join PHRC ?

People from all walks of life can join our PHRC regardless of caste, religion, caste.There should not be any criminal case against them.

Why become a member ?

We have to create a new society which will be free from corruption. The voice of the voiceless will be heard in that society. It is the duty of every citizen to build a beautiful society. So you can become a member of PHRC with the promise of building a new society.In our society, many people still do not know about human rights, basic rights. We need to make them aware of their rights. We have to do that duty as volunteers / Members.


Members have to submit KYC along with Current Photo. Police verification form must also be submitted.


After receiving Current Photo, KYC of the members, it will be verified by Our Office members. Members will be notified if the document is approved. The committee will inform them what fee, donation they have to pay. Permanent membership certificate will be issued after 1year (it's depends on his/her performance/activities).

Termination of membership

Members will lose their posts if they do any of the things mentioned below: 1.If the rules, regulations, decisions of the governing body are not obeyed. 2.If any member abuses his position. 3. If any member abuses his powers. 4. If any member harms the society for his own gain. 5. If a member is found guilty in a civil or criminal case, his/her membership will be cancelled.